How do I see already shared social media posts?

ID #1044
Last update: 2019-01-20 00:00

To see the posts that you have already shared on your Social Media account, please click on "Social Media Posts" -> "Shared Posts" in Blog2Social.
Choose of which blog post, you would like to see the shared social media posts and click on "Details".


A drop-down window will open and give you the following options and information:
1) show 
- If you click this button Blog2Social will forward you to the shared post in the respective Social Network

2) delete from reporting
- If you click this button the post will be deleted from the listing of shared posts

3) Author / shared by user

4) Date and time when the post was shared on Social Media

5) Social Media Account (profile, page or group) the post was shared on / to


Tags: reporting, shared posts