How do I see scheduled posts?

ID #1045
Last update: 2017-01-23 17:27

To see the posts that you have already scheduled with Blog2Social

  1. Go to "Site & Blog Content" in your Blog2Social dashboard
  2. Click on "Scheduled Posts"

Choose which blog post you would like to see the scheduled social media posts of and click on the blue "Details"-button

A drop-down window will open and give you information on

  • when you have scheduled the posting
  • who scheduled the posting
  • which social media profile you've scheduled the posting to

Additionally you can choose to:

  1. Delete the scheduled post.
    - If you click this button your scheduling will be canceled and nothing will be published on your social media profile, page or group
  2. Edit the scheduled post.
    - If you click here you will have the opportunity to edit your post and to change the date and time you have previously scheduled

To find the post you are looking for as fast and easy as possible, you can search and sort for:

  1. Titel
  2. Author
  3. Shared by user
  4. All categories & tags
  5. All post types
  6. Newest or oldest first

Tags: reporting, scheduled posts