How to Share Blog Posts to Social Media Automatically

How to Share Blog Posts to Social Media Automatically

Blog2Social is a WordPress social media plugin designed to simplify the process of auto-posting, sharing, and scheduling blog posts across various social media platforms.

In 2015 we launched the first release of Blog2Social with the aim of simplifying the sharing and cross-posting of blog posts on social media. Our primary focus has been on developing a solution that combines the benefits of automated sharing with the options for individual customzing and optimal scheduling. To achieve this, we invested significant effort in converting website or blog posts as well as any other content you create into optimized social media content, ensuring they are scheduled and shared automatically at the most suitable times for each network. Additionally, we provide users with the option to customize their posts according to their preferences.

We always appreciate receiving positive feedback from our users:

„Blog2Social removes all social sharing pain […] Blog2Social automates the social sharing I do immediately after posting,[…] makes it easy to repurpose and reshare old blog posts […] and allows me to schedule as many shares and reshares as far into the future as I like”
(by Chris Abraham , )


Blog2Social is a game changer for social media marketing
Blog2Social is a game changer for social media marketing

Blog2Social saves time you can better spend on networking and engaging with your audience. However, your regular feedback and requests for more features helps us to improve Blog2Social according to your needs and requirements. So, we connected several more networks to the plugin and further simplified and improved the sharing customization and scheduling process.

Now it’s time to present a brand new release with new features alongside the most popular ones. Please let us know what you think.

Streamline your social sharing: introducing Blog2Social WordPress plugin for effortless posting and scheduling!

For maintaining the benefits of customizing your posts to network level, Blog2Social automatically turns your blog post and your images into the optimal format and size for each networks. This saves all the time and hassle for manually sharing your posts to social media profiles, pages and groups as well as multiple accounts on the following networks:

Social Media Networks

Auto-posting and custom posting on social media

Blog2Social provides users with two primary sharing options: “Social Media Auto Posting” and “Custom Sharing & Scheduling”. Each option offers a range of customization features for cross-promotion, granting users complete control over their social media management strategies. You can auto-post, crosspost or cross-promote your posts with individual comments, hashtags or handles for more visibility and a personal and engaging touch.
Autoposting and Scheduling Options to cross-promote on social media

Auto-post and auto-schedule blog posts on social media with the Social Media Auto-Poster

You can effortlessly publish your blog posts using the auto-posting feature on your social media accounts:

  • Opt for sharing new or updated WordPress content with the Auto-Poster.
  • Choose the social media accounts where you want your content to be shared.
  • Decide whether to share immediately, delay the posting, or utilize the Best Time Manager to automatically share your post at preconfigured optimal times.
  • Select the option to have your post automatically reposted at your defined time.


Share individual blog posts with the Auto-poster

If you want to activate the Auto-Poster for individual blog posts, open the post or page editor of the specific post in your WordPress backend and scroll the right menu bar to “Blog2Social: Autoposter“. Here you can tick the box “enable Auto-Posting“.


Share imported WordPress content with the Auto-Poster for Imported Posts

Content that you import or create via plugins (e.g. WPeMatico) as WordPress content can be also shared automatically on your social media channels.
Set up your import plugin and make sure to set your WordPress user as the author of the posts, then follow this guide:
How to auto-post imported content or RSS feeds on Social Media



Customize your social media posts individually

If you opt for individually customizing your posts using the “Custom Sharing and Scheduling” option, Blog2Social streamlines the process seamlessly. All your connected networks are conveniently displayed on a single-page preview, making editing effortless. On the right-hand sidebar, you can add or remove networks, or select a pre-defined set of networks tailored to your current sharing preferences.

Simply review the pre-filled editor fields and click the “Share” button at the bottom to instantly distribute your social media posts across all your networks. Alternatively, you can utilize the customizing options. The editing fields enable you to adjust the pre-filled text, add personal comments, hashtags, or handles to refine your posts to perfection.

Each social network and community responds differently to content, post formats, personal comments, and posting frequency. Customizing your social media posts for each network and community is essential to maximizing your reach.

To standardize and automate individual adjustments, you also have the option to edit the post templates for social media posts. These templates allow you to give your social media posts a consistent individual structure.


new Sidebar Blog2Social

Blog2Social also turns your blog posts automatically into HTML markup to re-publish your posts on Medium, Tumblr and Torial. To give your content even more outreach on these powerful blogging networks.

Schedule your social media posts for the best times to post on each social platform

The perfect timing can bei critical for your post to be noticed or go down in the endless stream of social media noise. .

We’ve conducted extensive research to provide you with a ready-to-use time frame for automatically sending out your posts according to the optimal times on each network. You have the option to choose between the Blog2Social best-time scheduler or set up your own best time scheduling plan.

Determining the best posting times requires deep insight, research, and analysis. If you’ve already conducted this research, you can customize your own best time settings to align with what works best for you.

When scheduling your post, simply click on “Best-Time Scheduler” or “My Time Setting”. You have the flexibility to edit and save new time settings for both options according to your preferences:

  • choose one time scheduling or recurring scheduling,
  • re-share old posts or
  • pre-schedule your planned, not yet published posts.

Tweet At The Best Times To Maximize Your Reach And Engagement On Twitter

You can check the time frames for the pre-defined Best Time Settings or define your own best time settings in the “Settings” submenu or you can simply edit the pre-defined times and save them as your own settings.
When you are happy with your posts and timings, you may also choose a selected image for your postings and click on the “Share” button to send or cue your postings for the automatic cross-promotion process.
The social media calendar helps you to keep track on all scheduled posts and to easily edit or drag and drop them.
social media calendar by Blog2Socialblog2social

Re-share your content and re-post your evergreen content recurringly

Everytime your share your posts on social media, only a fraction of your audience will actually see your post. So it might be a good idea to post your content more than once. But, be careful with re-sharing your content. There are implicit rules on how often to post on each network (Link blog post) that vary from network to network. Whereas it is ok to post as many as 3-4 times per day on Twitter, doing the same on Facebook may result in annoying your followers. The new Blog2Social scheduling feature makes it easier to plan, share and re-share your content recurringly:

  • Select how many weeks your content shall be published and select days and time.
  • Re-share your content to a specific set of networks only.
  • Re-share your evergreen content recurringly.
  • Share all of your post images on a successive plan.
  • Post in different groups with different comments.
  • And more

And with one more click you may save your setting as default for all networks.

Advanced Scheduling and Sharing with Blog2Social

Re-share social media posts automatically

To ensure your social media feed stays consistently updated with engaging content you can activate the “Re-Sharer”. This feature will save valuable time for revitalizing your evergreen content and images.

Automatically resharing your evergreen content is key to periodically bringing your best posts back into the spotlight. With automatic reposts, you can effortlessly curate the perfect content mix of evergreen posts, new content, and curated material. This willkeep your social feeds diverse and engaging. Simplify your resharing process. Blog2Social will be freeing up your time to focus on creating new content and engaging with your community.

Here’s how it works: You can specify the blog posts, pages, or custom post types you want to revive. You can also define the desired time and interval as well as specific content categories, favorites or authors.  Blog2Social handles the rest by automatically populating your social media feeds with your blog posts for you.


Find out more details about Blog2Social Step-by-Step

Blog2Social Step-by-Step Guide Cover

Blog2Social’s free version can be used for auto-sharing and customizing your social media posts. For more advanced features for sharing and scheduling consider upgading to Blog2Social Premium.

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About the author

Irina Malievski

After the Master's program of political communication at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf Irina Malievski is now PR volunteer for online PR, content marketing and social media at the ADENION GmbH.


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