Can I use one Blog2Social Premium license for more than one website?

ID #1046
Last update: 2017-07-25 01:14

Depending on the license you choose you can use your license key for multiple users on one or more blogs / domains. You are free to use the license key for different users in one blog / domain or for users on different blogs / domains depending on the license you have purchased.
How do I select the right Blog2Social license for my needs?

If you want to change the users of your license:


  • Log in on with your user credentials: username and password that you got in your registration email
  • When you are logged in, you can see information on licenses, account, and invoices
  • Go to "Licenses"
  • You can check which version of Blog2Social is registered under your account
  • You can see how many users are activated with your license key, who it is and on which domain / website the license key is used
  • To switch a license key from one user or website to another, delete the respective license key here. This is your license key
  • To activate another user, please copy-paste this license key and insert it in the right sidebar of your Blog2Social Dashboard in the back end of your WordPress
  • You can see when your license expires


More tips for your license management


Tags: administration, license key