There are thousands of smart WordPress marketing plugins to help you with basic tasks. But which are the best and most effective marketing plugins?
Are you looking for ways to make your blog or website more successful? Do you want to become more productive and to make your promotional efforts more effective? If you have a WordPress website, marketing plugins can help you to make your life easier.
The ever-growing blogosphere is highly competitive. It doesn’t matter whether you have a private blog or a corporate blog, marketing is essential for the success of your website. Regardless of your industry or niche, once you slow down with marketing, your website will fall behind. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced blogger, you will always have to keep on improving your marketing efforts to run a successful website, blog, or business.
How can WordPress marketing plugins help you to promote your website?
Plugins for WordPress work similarly to apps for your smartphone. WordPress marketing plugins help you with a wide range of options and tasks. Starting with newsletters and subscriptions forms, landing pages, SEO to social media buttons, and content streams as far as social media scheduling and automation. Whatever you like to do to promote your website, there will be a multitude of plugin options to help you.
With over 58,000 plugins in the WordPress repository, you might feel like a kid in a candy store. You might even want to try them all. But, as you may know, too many apps can quickly use up your smartphone data space. And, too many plugins installed on your WordPress site can cause many potential problems including slowing your site down.
We have tested literally hundreds of plugins and picked out the very best ones that will help you with basic marketing tasks:
- Optimizing your posts for the search engines,
- promoting your site with landing pages and subscriptions,
- sharing your content on social media to get more visitors hooked to your site.
Best WordPress plugins for writing and content marketing
The following marketing plugins will help you to easily find new content ideas. Learn to create fancy titles that make readers click, organize and schedule your posts and optimize your writing process. Simply, improve your productivity and efficiency.
1. My Curator (free & premium from US$15/month) – delivers vibrant content for your site
Content curation can also help when running out of ideas or out of time to create your own posts. MyCurator delivers articles from other sources to your WordPress site where you can easily review and publish them.
Easily find content by selecting your favorite sources, or customize your own sources from RSS, Twitter, and Google Alert you want to use. Filter articles by keywords or other parameters.
MyCurator pre-fills the post with an image, attribution link, and an excerpt into the WordPress Editor. Just add a paragraph or select your own excerpts from the original article to tell your readers about the article to publish the curated content on your site. Manage the pre-filled links, images, and excerpts in a variety of formats.
An additional browser plugin lets you curate content while you browse the web on your desktop, tablet, or phone.
The free version allows you to curate content for one topic from 5 sources, (by API Key access to the cloud services). Monthly premium plans include more topics and formats, multiple sites, and advanced settings for selecting topics and curation practices as well as auto-publishing.
Get the MyCurator plugin for your site.
2. Just Writing (free) – distraction-free writing for creating your website
If you feel that writing with the WordPress editor is unsatisfying, then the Just Writing plugin will improve your actual writing experience.
The plugin adds a new ‘Writing Mode’ button in the main editor, which shows a cleaner and more responsive version of the previously-existing “distraction-free writing” mode. You can optionally enable more buttons such as fonts, background colors, add separators, and more.
Get the Just Writing plugin for your site.
3. Editorial Calendar (free) – schedule and manage your blog content
The Editorial Calendar plugin is an all-in-one content organization tool that helps you to keep your blog organized and keep track of your content creation and publishing processes.
You can easily manage and schedule your posts with simple drag-and-drop functionality.
The plugin allows you to manage drafts, quickly edit titles, change publishing times and also manage posts from multiple authors.
Get the Editorial Calendar plugin for your site.
Don’t know how to fill your editorial calendar? Ask your audience what they want to see with the best questionnaire plugin for WordPress, survey maker.
Best WordPress Marketing Plugins for Search Engine Optimisation
The following plugins help you to optimize your site for readability and ranking in search results. They will make your posts and images easier to crawl, set the right keywords at the right places and achieve better visibility in search results.
4. Yoast SEO (free & premium from US$89/year) – optimize your blog and content for the search engines
First of all, you need to make sure your blog content is SEO-friendly to get a good ranking in the search engines.
Even if you don’t know much about SEO, Yoast SEO can help you to take care of some very basic aspects. Such as focus keyword, permalinks, meta title and description, images, meta tags, text structure, and readability.
The plugin will analyze your pages and posts and display a traffic light function that shows you how to optimize your posts before publishing. This way you can make sure each post applies to basic SEO rules.
The plugin will also add XML sitemaps and breadcrumbs.
Get the Yoast SEO plugin for your site.
5. PB SEO friendly images (free) – optimize your images for better indexing in the search engines
The SEO improvements you can make to your content, you can also apply to your images. The search engines need specific attributes (»alt« and also »title«) to index your images. And images can have a huge impact on the ranking of your blog. These attributes are also required to get a W3C valid website.
The PB SEO Friendly Images automatically updates all images with proper ALT and TITLE attributes for SEO purposes. This helps you to automatically optimize all »alt« and »title« attributes of images in your posts. This makes the posts W3C/xHTML valid as well.
The plugin works for all your images in posts and your post’s thumbnails as well.
You can sync existing »alt« to »title« and vice versa or override them with a custom scheme.
Get the PB SEO-friendly images plugin for your site.
6. EWWW image optimizer (free & premium from US$7/month) – compress your images for page load and ranking
Large images can reduce your page speed and this is extremely harmful to your ranking and conversion and it will cost storage and bandwidth.
The EWWW plugin will automatically optimize new images that you upload. It can also optimize all the images that you have already uploaded. Optionally convert your images to the best file format.
You can choose pixel-perfect compression or high compression options that have no impact on the beauty of your images.
Get the EWWW image optimizer plugin for your site.
7. All in Rich Snippets(free) – Pimp up your search engine listings with an eye-catching look
Google search listings with pictures and ratings get more clicks on the search results page than pure text listings. If you want to improve your CTR in organic search results with an eye-catching look, you need to add structured data markup attributes to your blog. A Rich Snippet plugin helps you to implement the required “structured data markup” automatically, so the search engines can grab the relevant data from your blog.
The Schema Pro plugin adds relevant structured data markup to each post and page.
You can select from a wide range of schema types and simply apply to an already existing or new content.
And, the plugin also gathers important information from pages and posts automatically thus no need to enter the schema manually.
Get the All in Rich Snippets plugin for your site.
Best WordPress Plugins for Email Marketing
The following plugins help you to build and grow your email lists, send out updates and newsletters automatically and create beautiful contact forms and opt-ins for your inbound marketing to collect more prospects, and improve conversion.
8. Contact Form 7 (free) – stay in touch with your website visitors
The most important way to stay in touch with your website visitors is to make it easy for your website visitors to contact you. A contact form is an essential and basic feature of your blog.
With Contact Form 7 you can easily create contact forms to enable your website visitors to comment on your posts or to get in touch with email.
Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup.
The forms support Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, and Akismet spam filtering.
You can customize notification messages and embed forms to specific posts or pages via shortcode.
Contact Form 7 also provides file uploads and quizzes.
Get the Contact Form 7 plugin for your site.
9. Icegram (free & premium from US$97/year) – create popups, a welcome bar and other optins for lead generation
If you need more options to create forms for collecting your website visitors’ email for your email lists, then Icegram provides a multi-purpose solution with many great features for opt-in / list-building / email subscriptions forms.
Easily create beautiful opt-in forms and call-to-actions of your choice, create popups, welcome bars, opt-ins to generate leads and subscribers.
You can create high converting email opt-in forms in multiple designs that really grab your visitor’s attention and help you to build your subscriber list. Easily add powerful call-to-action (CTA) buttons and drive visitors to any page you like. Show forms to targeted visitors and convert them into subscribers, leads, and customers.
The plugin also integrates with standard email marketing services such as MailChimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, InfusionSoft, and all others. Analyze and track your results. You can use all basic features for free.
The premium version provides even more features for advanced email marketing campaigns such as split testing, geo-targeting, or more fancy styles and designs.
Get the Icegram popups, opt-ins, and lead generation plugin for your site.
10. Email Subscribers and Newsletters (free & premium from US$78/year) – build email lists from your website visitors
Once you manage to get visitors to your blog, you will want to make them come back. An email list is an essential element of any marketing strategy and a good way to build leads, loyalty, and conversion. The easiest way to grab your visitor’s email address is by offering them to subscribe to your blog. A blog subscription or newsletter will hook your visitors to your blog and encourage them to return, whenever you publish a new update or news on your blog.
This Email Subscribers and Newsletters plugin lets you easily collect subscribers and automatically sends updates to your subscriber list, whenever you publish a new post.
Email Subscribers and Newsletters is a fully-featured subscription plugin that helps you achieve all the things you need to build a subscriber list from your website visitors and keep them engaged.
It provides you with a set of tools to collect email addresses, send automated new blog post notification emails, create & send newsletters, and also manage them all in one single place.
Get the Email Subscribers and Newsletters plugin for your site.
11. One Signal (free) – send push notifications to your visitors whenever you publish a new post
Another way to keep your website visitors updated is to send push notifications to their desktop.
OneSignal is a complete push notification solution for WordPress blogs and websites.
After setting up the plugin, your visitors can opt-in to receive desktop push notifications when you publish a new post. Visitors receive these notifications even after they’ve left your website.
Send notifications to subscribers every time you publish a new post. Or, set up a reminder that gets automatically sent to them if they haven’t visited for a few days.
Schedule and send notifications to specific visitors based on language, the number of times they’ve visited your blog, or set up your own target attributes for users.
Try out different messages with A/B testing and see your notifications being delivered in real-time, and watch them as they convert into visitors.
Get One Signal the plugin for your site.
12. Related Posts Thumbnails Plugins for WordPress (free) – encourage your readers to stay and read on
When visitors land on your site, you want to make them stay as long as possible and browse your content and keep on reading. Related links with thumbnail images of related posts improve CTR.
This Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin allows customizing thumbnail sizes, display settings, and type of relation. Thumbnails are arranged in columns under the post with related posts title/excerpt under each post thumbnail. You can customize background color, border, text, text sizes, background on mouseover, title, and excerpt length.
By default, the plugin uses the first image that appeared in the post. You can select between ‘thumbnail’ and ‘medium’ size options or custom size. The plugin also lets you specify post custom field “name” to be used as the thumbnail’s source.
You can specify the number of related posts to display, start date, categories to show on and to include, top text, style settings, default image URL. And, you can select types of relation – categories, tags, categories and tags, random or custom taxonomies, and many other settings.
Related Posts thumbnails sidebar widget and shortcode are also available.
Get the Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress for your site.
13. Inline Related Posts (free & premium from US$47) – display related posts directly within your content
Another way to display related posts is to place them directly within your content in a way the big news sites like Entrepreneur, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Business Insider, Financial Times embraced this concept on their sites.
The Inline Related Posts plugin brings the same technology to your WordPress blog to help you to increase engagement, page views and to reduce the bounce rate.
Inline Related Posts nudges readers to keep on reading by adding related post boxes inside your existing content.
The plugin provides more than 20 design combinations for content boxes you can add as a single or as multiple in-content-related post boxes.
The free version offers 3 inline boxes, if you need more the premium version starts from 47$ per year with many more great features.
Get the Inline Related Posts plugin for your site.
14. Content Aware Sidebars (free & premium from US$49/year) – display sticky content on your sidebar
WordPress plugin Content Aware Sidebars display sticky content on different conditions and in different contexts on your sidebar. Another plugin to add and display sticky content to the eye of your readers is a sidebars plugin to display content-specific ads or offers to your sidebar for different contexts.
This plugin lets you display custom sidebars on any post, page, or category of your blog. This helps you to optimize conversion rates by displaying different sidebars on different conditions.
Replace your theme sidebars on different conditions, or insert sidebars with shortcodes. Easily activate and deactivate widget areas, and even schedule them for specific times.
Without writing any code, you can modify the HTML and CSS classes of widget areas, widgets, and widget titles. You get full control over the look and feel of your sidebars and widget areas, no matter what theme you use.
Get the Content-Aware Sidebars plugin for your site.
Best WordPress plugins for social media marketing
The following marketing plugins will help you to get more followers, likes, and shares for your posts and images, easily schedule and share your posts automatically on social media, and to encourage comments and overall engagement on your site.
15. Simple Share Buttons Adder (free) – for more social media shares
Having your content shared across the web is the best way to get more eyeballs for your post and drive more traffic to your blog. Make sharing as easy as possible for your visitors.
Simple Share Buttons Adder is a very simple sharing solution that allows you to automatically insert social media sharing buttons above, below, or above and below the content area of your posts, pages, homepage, or category pages.
The plugin supports 15 popular social media services for free, including Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, XING, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, WhatsApp, and many more.
You can choose from nine unique button designs, define the number of shares to be displayed and change the text displayed next to the sharing buttons.
You can also customize the styling of buttons, as well as their position and alignment.
Get the Simple Share Buttons Adder plugin for your blog.
16. WWM Social Share On Image Hover (free & premium at US$10) – for more image shares
If you want to offer more options for your readers to share your images, you might take a look at the WWM Social Share On Image Hover.
The plugin helps you to add 6 social media icons to your post images: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
It will show the social media icons automatically on hovering the post images on your site. You may align the social icons on the top left, top right or the bottom left or right.
The setup is very simple.
The Pro version enables you to use short URL options for share URL (Google Short URL API), exclude class options for unwanted images, or include or exclude image classes to display share icons.
Get the WWM Social Share On Image Hover plugin for your blog.
17. Better Click to Tweet (free) – display ready-to-use tweets for your readers
In order to encourage your readers to share your post, you can add ready-to-use Twitter boxes to your posts or pages.
The Better Click To Tweet plugin is very easy to use, fully customizable with CSS.
The “via” and URL can be easily removed from the resulting tweets, and links can be turned into no-follow links.
The plugin uses the official shortcode API for better security and compatibility.
Here is an example of you the Twitter boxes will look on your post. Just give it a try, click and share this post on Twitter:
The Very Best #SocialMedia #Plugins For #Wordpress #Blogs Share on XGet Better Click to Tweet plugin for your site.
18. Flow Flow Social Hub (free & premium from US$39) – displays all your social feeds in one stream
WordPress plugin Flow-Flow Social Streams displays your social media updates on your site. Social feeds are an easy way to share your social networking updates on your site to attract your website visitors to your social media accounts. A social stream combining multiple social feeds is a great way for your blog to show off all of your updates and contents in a single live stream. Social stream plugins collect, optimize and present your entire variety of content from social networks in a more organized manner. It displays your status updates along with items that you’ve shared like links, images, and videos. Some social streams even display your social engagement with your followers.
The Flow-Flow Social Streams plugin lets you aggregate and streams social feeds in a customizable responsive social media wall on your WordPress website.
You can select any combinations of social feeds from multiple accounts, connected with the same single stream. Your website visitors will be able to observe all of your latest network updates in one social flow without slowing down your site.
You can display social media counters like comments, likes, views, and sharing buttons to increase user engagement, users can sort and search networks on top of your stream. You can exclude posts by words, usernames, or URLs. The admin settings provide a drag & drop card builder to create your own grid style.
You can use the plugin for free for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. The PRO version lets you choose from even more networks, designs, and layouts.
Get the Flow-Flow Social Streams plugin for your blog.
19. Blog2Social (free & premium from US$79/year) – smart social media automation: schedule and share your blog posts to social media automatically
Blog2Social Smart Social Media Automation is a complete social media automation platform for your WordPress website which helps you to easily schedule and share content from your website or any other sources.
Don’t wait for others to share your posts. In order to get more outreach for your content, you need to share every post you publish by yourself.
Blog2Social is a very powerful tool to tailor, schedule, share, and cross-promote your website content as well as content from any other sources, such as links, text, images, or videos on your social media channels, directly from the WordPress dashboard.
The plugin auto-posts your social media posts to Facebook (profiles, pages), Twitter, Google My Business, LinkedIn (profiles, pages), XING (profiles, pages, groups), Diigo, Reddit, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, and VK (profiles, pages, groups). You can also automatically re-publish your posts on Tumblr, Medium, Torial, and Bloglovin’.
The plugin allows you to auto-post or customize your posts individually. You can tailor your social media posts and comments, select individual images, post formats, or even create your own customized post templates for each social platform.
The Best Time Manager helps you to schedule your social media posts at the best times to post on each network.
You may also repeat and re-share your posts and pre-schedule your scheduled post for auto-posting.
This plugin really saves a lot of time and work every time for your social media marketing and helps you to get more outreach in less time.
Blog2Social is free to use for sharing your posts on social media but you might also find it worth trying the premium version for the more advanced features.
Get the Blog2Social social media automation plugin for your site
20. WordPress Social Login (free) – let your website visitors log-in and comment on using their social network credentials
A social login plugin allows your website visitors, readers, and customers to register using their existing social accounts IDs, and thus eliminates the need to fill out registration forms and remember even more usernames and passwords.
WordPress Social Login comes with a simple but flexible and fully customizable authentication widget.
The plugin supports a wide variety of providers: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, Reddit, Disqus, Tumblr, Stackoverflow, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, 500px, Foursquare, Steam,, Mixi, Vkontakte,, Yandex, Odnoklassniki, Goodreads, Skyrock,, AOL, and PixelPin.
The WordPress Social Login gives you absolute control over users’ access to your website and comes with a list of rules and restrictions for you to set up.
Get the WordPress Social Login social login plugin for your site.
21. WP Discuz (free) – encourage your readers to comment on your posts
Comments and user engagement can boost your SEO. Social media plugins for social comments allow your visitors to log in by using their social media credentials in order to comment on your posts. If the comments appear on both your site and on social media streams, this can help to expand the reach of your site and improve overall engagement.
Comments – wpDiscuz is a fully customizable real-time comment system, with a lot of great features. The plugin provides forms and fields for native WordPress comments that will be kept in your database. It adds an interactive comment box on posts and other content types.
The plugin uses the WordPress comment system with all managing functions and features, secure and anti-spam features. Fast loading and responsive system based on AJAX. Allows lazy load on scrolling or AJAX “Load more” buttons.
Commenting can be allowed/disallowed on posts and other content types. Comment lists can be sorted by the newest, oldest, and most voted comments.
It fully integrates with Social Network Login plugins (see WordPress Social Login) to automatically log in with Facebook, Twitter, or WP credentials.
The plugin allows your readers to create a new discussion thread and reply to existing comments and edit comments. It provides multi-level (nested) comment threads, with many setting options for custom comment forms with custom fields.
You can also use shortcode for rating and voting posts via comment custom field [wpdrating] with a lot of attributes.
Get the WP Discuz social comment plugin for your site.
Wrap up
We hope this article helps you find some of the best WordPress marketing plugins for your blog or website.
Don’t forget to download your free list of 21 Best WordPress Marketing Plugins for your reference, just in case you can’t remember them all.
Melanie Tamblé is co-founder and co-CEO of Adenion GmbH. She is an experienced expert in content marketing and social media.
Adenion GmbH specializes in online services and tools for bloggers, businesses and agencies of any size to support their online marketing and content seeding tasks on the web.
Blog2Social as WordPress Plugin and WebApp enable fast and easy auto-posting, scheduling and cross-promotion of blog posts, articles, links, images, videos and documents across multiple social media sites.
Social media posts will be automatically turned into a customized format for each social platform and auto-scheduled for the best time. Social media post can be previewed and tailored with individual post formats, images or personal comments – all in one easy step.
Good collection. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Hello Afzal,
Thank you for your kind words. We are glad that you like the plugins we chose!
Best regards,
Hey Melanie,
You have shared a long and essential list of plugins. It looks like Yoast SEO is still going to be everybody’s favorite in 2018 too and why not it an amazing WordPress plugin. I have also found some new names which I need to try. Anyways thanks for the sharing the list of must-have WordPress plugins in 2018. It was worth reading.
Thank you so much, Raiden. Please let me know how the plugins work for you and which are your favorite after trying them. I look forward to your comment and experience.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful collection of WordPress plugins.
I want to recommend one more free useful plugin for blogs – Blog Designer. It is a step ahead WordPress plugin that allows you to modify blog and single page layouts and design. It has unique 6 high-impact blog templates are available in it. Check it here:
Hello Anna,
Thank you for you kind words and your recommendation.
We will check out your plugin 🙂
All the best,
Nice list. Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7 and Newsletter plugins are must have for any WordPress website. Thank you for sharing comprehensive list.
Hello Ashish,
Thank you very much for your awesome feedback. It’s great to hear you like our list of tools and plugins for business blogs. We ourselves use Yoast SEO and Contact Form 7 in combination with our Blog2Social WordPress Plugin.
Do you have any further suggestions for interesting plugins or tools?
Thank you and kind regards
Bastian from Blog2Social
The information shared on WordPress plugins is very useful. Thanks for sharing this article.
Hello Ramakrishnan,
Thank you very much for your feedback! Always happy to hear you like our articles.
Kind Regards,
Your good knowledge and kindness in playing with all the pieces were very useful.
Thanks for stopping by and for your comment, Rajakumar. We’re happy you liked the article :).
Hi Melanie,
You have come out with a great list of plugins. It has become a guide for me whenever I setup a new site.
Editorial Calender, Yoast SEO and image optimizer are my favorites in this list.
Thanks so much for your kind feedback, Homer. I am glad to help.
I simply wanted to write down a quick word to say thanks to you for that wonderful information you are showing on this site.
We are glad to hear you like the article, Clarke . Thank you very much for your kind words!
Hi, i absolutely got tons of value from your post. Please i have 2 quick questions.
1. What is the number of plugins every blogger shouldn’t exceed? I currently have about 18 installed, would you consider that number outrageous. Please could you also check out my site and offer me a
2. Your font is really beautiful. would you suggest plugins that would give me beautiful fonts just like yours?
thank you so much for your kind comment.
I definitely would not say that 18 plugins is an outrageous number. Just make sure the plugins are all compatible with each other.
Here is all our content on plugins: You’ll find more advice there.
The fonts you can choose depend on the WordPress Theme you use. The theme we use is called “Salt Child”!
I hope these are the answers you hoped for and I could help you out!
Plugins are a must in WordPress. Without plugins, we can not imagine a WordPress website. Thanks . You have provided the best plugin list which can change the whole condition of a WordPress website.
Hello Himanshu Rai,
thank you so much for your positive feedback!
We are happy to hear that our plugin list helped you with creating the best version of your website.
If you want to advance your website even more, maybe this piece of content will help you as well:
Have a great day and all the best
Very nice blog and articles. I am really very happy to visit your blog. Now I am found which I actually want. I check your blog everyday and try to learn something from your blog. Thank you and waiting for your new post.
Thank you so much for your kind feedback!
We are glad to hear that you have found what you were looking for and had a learning effect from our posts.
Have a great day and all the best
Thanks in favor of sharing such a nice thinking, article is pleasant, thats why i have read it entirely.
Thank you for sharing your kind feedback.
We’re glad to hear you enjoyed reading our post.
Make sure to check back for more.
Best regards,
Some great comments here, thanks for the opportunity to make my own small contribution!
This blog is really cool and great. I really appreciate your working on that blog. Before that i wasn’t seen such kind information on any website. Thanks for sharing this blog with us.
Thank you for your awesome feedback!
We’re happy to hear that you enjoy reading our blog.
Best regards,
Really i appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge. This is really a great stuff for sharing. Keep it up . Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your kind feedback with us.
We’re glad to hear you enjoyed reading the post.
Make sure to check back for more content like this 🙂
Have a great day!
Blog2Social Team
Hey, I read your article and your information is very amazing and so much helpful for me. Keep it up and Thank you very much.:)
I’m glad you think so! Thank you for taking the time and leaving this kind feedback!
All the best
You have given very important information
Thank you for taking the time to leave your positive feedback!
Kind regards and all the best
Hi I am a beginner and was doing some self learning for gaining more knowledge about the plugins that can be used in wordpress websites, I must say that your blog is very informative and helpful for me. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Hello Priya,
that is good to hear! It’s great that you want to learn more about WordPress and all of it’s possibilities.
Thank you for leaving this kind feedback and I wish you all the best!
Kind regards
Christine Helmker
Awesome Site
Thanks a lot! 🙂